Again, thanks for taking the time to respond, Ron.
Good eye, yes, I am from the Common Wealth. I capitalized Black - the term which I understood as being generally used now - because it has become an identity for people; I capitalized Black neighbourhood in the same way I would capitalize British neighbourhood, Jewish neighbourhood, or American neighbourhood. You don't have to, and I don't think it's virtue signalling, it's just how I chose to write. You can write it as 'black' or any other word you think is appropriate - that's fine as well. I'm not too concerned either way. (Also, I don't nor ever have read the Associate Press, again, not American.)
To your point about policing, I apologise if that began to override the point of my article, I will make sure to chose more varied examples next time. I chose the police debate because - whether or not you think it's anyone's business - it is a hotly contested topic right now. It's also one which I have enough understanding of the nuance for, such that I could come up with examples related to my article's topic: asking different kinds of questions.
Hypnosis aside (??) there is really nothing more I can say to the point of social justice, that really isn't the article's point in any way. But, if you want to read that into it, I think you might want to ask yourself if there is even the remotest possibility you are projecting on this entire discussion. Remember, we are talking from completely different social contexts, so something that makes sense to you might never have occurred to me.
In regards to 'politics' and 'politicking', I've been working from the Oxford dictionary. 'Politicking' is "the action or practice of engaging in political activity" and 'politics' is "the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power." Now, I would take issue with the second definition, as well as your own, and say I view politics as concerning every situation with a power dynamic. I think using politics specifically for government limits the term. Again, you can disagree, and I would be open to hearing an argument against my adaptation, just as I have presented a small argument against your own.
I am by no means a leftist, in fact, like you - I'm assuming - I think the Government's role should be limited as much as possible: generally speaking to preserving life and property. In terms of a 'way of life' I also find those discussions more fruitful. Similarly, propaganda is a deep interest of my own. This is why I created Practicing Politics, as a way for people to explore new ways of entering political conversations and 'practicing' these so that they are less susceptible to propaganda. Now, you seem keen on arguing that in fact what *I* am doing is propaganda - albeit for a movement and ideology that I have little connection to. But that belief is based on the assumption I have some ulterior motive - an assumption which I already addressed.
As a final comment, you might want to consider that your own lived experience and social context have engendered you to be overly hostile towards certain types of discussion. My reason for saying this is that even the *mention* of policing derailed your ability to read what the article is focused on: again, asking different kinds of questions. This is not even really a debate tactic, as most of them to 'gain' you anything besides understanding.
But, ultimately, you have decades of life experience behind you and I am but one Medium user. I hope you decide to comment again in future, I enjoy being challenged on what I think!
All the best.