Thanks for the comment, Ron.
I'm not sure how asking open questions, paraphrasing, and discussing values is "condescending, manipulative and just plain rude," however feel free to enlighten me. I also don't see how any of this relates in any way to social justice? But, again, I'm open to be shown the way.
Ultimately, I think - political views aside - everyone should take a moment now and then to step back and question whether the *way* they are doing politics is productive and sustainable. If, to pick a hypothetical example, your preferred manner of politicking is to write aggressive and flamboyantly worded posts online, then this person might want to consider, "is this really getting me to where I want to be? Is this really helping anyone?"
If the answer is yes to either of those, then more power to them. But I hope - for their own sake - that occasionally this person reconsiders what they are really fighting against, and reflects on whether or not they are just projecting their own fears and insecurities on any post they see that challenges their world view.